Types of Alopecia

There are factors such as the genetic or external, that influence the type and degree of alopecia that may have a person. So earlier in should always get a professional diagnosis in DHI.


Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic Alopecia is the type of baldness is most common, affects approximately 50% of the men and many women over 40 who are about to enter or are already in the menopause.

What is androgenetic alopecia?

Is hair loss due to genetic parameters, and to the increase of the action of male hormones or androgens on certain areas of the scalp that are predisposed (usually the front and top of the head). It produces a progressive decrease in the activity of the hair follicle that is decreasing in size until the total disappearance of the follicle and therefore also of the hair. The main causes of Androgenic Alopecia are the genetic inheritance, the male hormones, and age.

We can inherit this kind of alopecia of our mother or our father. The age of onset of alopecia and its severity varies from one family to another, and within the same family also varies from one male to the other. What we don't yet know for sure, is why androgens produce the hair fall and however, make the beard grow. Also dihydrotestosterone or DHT plays an important role in the development of the Androgenic Alopecia.

Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is a natural metabolite of the male hormone testosterone. DHT occurs naturally in men and women, because both genders have testosterone, but in quantities from totally different. DHT, in a first time, causes a shortening of the growth phase of the hair cycle, which causes the miniaturization of the hair and over time, the hair will become finer, short and colorless, becoming increasingly less hair on the head.

If you start to lose your hair at an early stage of your life (in the decade of the 20's), it is possible that the hair loss is more rapid and affects extensive areas of the head. Hair loss occurs in a progressive manner: first, the hair becomes weaker in certain areas of the scalp and finally the hair disappears. It happens to have a long hair, thick and pigmented to a fine hair, the more light and “fluffy”.

Unfortunately, this process is irreversible. All hair that is left in the affected areas will be “miniaturized”, that is to say, it will be thinner, shorter and lighter in color. These miniaturised hair are called “fuzzy hair”. In the case of man, primarily affects above the forehead, accentuating the inputs and the crown of the head, where it begins to be felt a lightening of the hair and can even be lost entirely all the hair except for the back and side of the head. In women is different, as they have a diffuse hair loss and not lose all the same.

Loose Anagen Hair Syndrome

The syndrome of the hair Anagen Loose is a condition of the scalp that is characterized by the pulling out of hair to the traction (combing or pulling) and without pain, due to insufficient adhesion of the stem hair to the follicle.

Traction Alopecia

Traction Alopecia is caused by traction (as the name says) the chronicle of the hair follicle (hair pulling). This hair loss can be permanent. This is most often seen among african-american women who tend to braiding tightly her hair. In most cases, this type of alopecia is manifested along the line of the hair. This can also happen to those men who wear a toupee or hair hairpiece. If the toupee is subject always in the same place for a long period of time.

Telogen effluvium

Telogen Effluvium is very common, a large percentage of scalp hairs suddenly enter the phase of "detachment". The causes of Telogen Effluvium can be hormonal, nutritional, associated with the consumption of a narcotic drug or stress.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is most commonly spots quite obvious hair loss ways round or oval on the scalp and/or in the eyebrows. These areas of hair loss can progress and spread throughout the scalp and become Total Alopecia (loss of hair throughout the scalp). The cause of Alopecia Areata is unknown, but it is commonly thought that it is an effect of some autoimmune disorder. The most common treatment of this alopecia is based on steroids (cortisone is a way), either topically or by injection.


Trichotillomania is associated with Traction Alopecia. Trichotillomania is the name given to the plucking habitual and compulsive hair and / or of other hairy areas of the body. Trichotillomania long-term may result in irreparable damage and permanent. It is unknown whether Trichotillomania should be classified as a habit or obsessive-compulsive behavior. In its mildest form, Trichotillomania is a plucking common of the hair while a person reads or watches television. In its most severe forms, is a pattern of ritualistic where the plucking can be done in front of a mirror. The person with this affliction often has feelings of guilt about their behavior "strange" and attempt to hide it. Hair loss due to Trichotillomania, to be extracted in a jerky manner, the area of hair loss tend to be irregular. This type of condition can't be treated effectively, if the treaty has not been part psychological and emotional affected.

Cicatricial Alopecia

La pérdida de cabello debido a la cicatrización del cuero cabelludo se llama Alopecia Cicatricial. La cicatrización puede ser debido a varias causas. Por ejemplo: si una Alopecia de Tracción lleva un período de tiempo prolongado puede conducir a la cicatrización y la pérdida permanente del cabello. Del mismo modo, la Tricotilomanía (desplume compulsivo del cabello). Otra causa puede ser por una lesión en el cuero cabelludo, causada por algún trauma físico o por quemaduras que pueden dejar cicatrices y con ellas la pérdida permanente del cabello. Hay enfermedades autoinmunes que también pueden causar la pérdida permanente del cabello, debido a la cicatrización del cuero cabelludo: (1) Lupus erythematosusand esclerodermia, (2) las infecciones bacterianas tales como foliculitis, infecciones por hongos y las infecciones virales como el herpes (herpes zoster). Las Alopecia Cicatricial también puede ocurrir en mujeres post-menopáusicas, que pueden sufrir de una inflamación de los folículos pilosos que posteriormente se cicatrizan.

Triangular Alopecia

Alopecia Triangular is the loss of hair in the temporal areas that sometimes begins in childhood. Hair loss can be complete, and in the best cases, the follicles are weakened in such a manner that produce a permanent hair very thin diameter. The cause of Alopecia Triangular is unknown, but this condition can be treated medically or surgically.

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