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Damaged hair: How they affect the treatments and chemicals to your hair?


Cabello dañado. Los tintes, decolorantes, alisados y queratinas mal usados o en exceso pueden afectar tu salud capilar. (cabello dañado)

Many people have used some of these techniques, such as course of treatment, which are intended to change the texture or the natural color of the hair. Although the methods and products used in these procedures have evolved a lot with the passage of time and promise to be less aggressive and invasive, most of them incorporate a greater or lesser extent harsh chemicals that are the ones that allow you to achieve the transformation of the color, straightening or curls

Implantes de cabello mediarte

What do these products do to the hair?

The consequences depend primarily on two factors: the frequency with which submits the hair to the action of these substances and, above all, the previous care as later applied to minimize the side effects.

Today it has been proven that the continued use of chemical products, in addition to inadequate care, deteriorating the look and speeds up your fall. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them in short periods of time. In case you have a hair, damaged, injured, or in the stage of collapse is best to stop taking them.

We are your allies in restoring your hair

To take care of all these chemicals and reduce its damage, in DHI Colombia buscamos a los expertos en restauración capilar, quienes nos explicaron cómo las terapias capilares realizadas en sus clínicas ayudan a fortalecer el folículo piloso desde la raíz mejorando la salud capilar y minimizando los daños de los tratamientos de peluquerías.

Para los especialistas de DHI Colombia es importante cuidar que el pelo de sus pacientes no pierda sus nutrientes y su fuerza. Ellos utilizan tres tratamientos que se complementan para tener un cuidado total, estas terapias están compuestas por plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP), mesoterapia y láser capilar. Aquí te contamos un poco más sobre cada una de ellas.

Hair Plasma

The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) taken directly from the body of the patient from a blood test. Isolates of red and white blood cells for reinjection, platelets of PRP, which contain a large amount of “growth factors”, they have a regenerative action on these hair follicle stem cells, provided that it is injected gradually and local in the scalp. Therefore, the PRP slows down the fall and triggers the regrowth.


To have a healthy hair with good density and bright it is necessary to provide water and nutrients. Thanks to a cocktail biostimulant, mesotherapy hair provides vitamins, necessary for growth, through micro-injections in the scalp, which are zero-invasive and does not cause pain in the patient.

Hair Laser

La terapia láser capilar, conocida como láser suave y terapia láser de bajo nivel, es una manera segura de tratamiento de luz que se usa cada vez más para tratar las formas genéticas de pérdida de cabello (alopecia androgénica o patrón de calvicie) común en hombres y mujeres.

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